Blog Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway: Notorious By Leslie McAdam

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IOU, Book 5

Picking up your favorite adult film star at a bar in Vegas is a bad idea—especially when you wake up the next morning married to him. Ask me how I know.

Before I met Velvet the Cowboy, the public knew me as an innocuous guy who was running for office.

Now I’ve gone from boring to notorious in twenty-four hours.

The hot stranger’s ring on my finger puts a damper on my political ambitions, since his day job isn’t voter-friendly. An annulment is a no-go, and a quickie divorce would make me look unreliable.

In any case, when I find out Velvet’s dark plans, I know I can’t let him out of my sight. Which means I’m taking a gorgeous, 6’6”, slow-talking cowboy home with me to protect him from himself.

Being with him might light my career on fire. I’m just not expecting it to do the same to my heart.

Notorious is a stand-alone contemporary romance about Johnny Haskell, a cowboy turned adult star who stops to pet every good dog (and they’re all good dogs), and Kurt Delmont, a senatorial candidate who wants to save the world. It features recovery from a mental health crisis, healing from old wounds, and love that takes these two by surprise. This book contains sensitive themes; a detailed description of the contents is in the author’s note in the book preview. Happily ever after guaranteed.

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Velvet gazes at me with concern as he, too, appears to be putting the night together. At least, that’s how I interpret the scrunch of his nose. His sleepy eyes register genuine bewilderment.

“Hey, darlin’,” he whispers, his iconic voice deep, with a hint of a drawl. “Are you okay?” He rubs his temples.

“I … don’t know,” I admit, drawing my knees to my chest and wrapping my hands around my calves. As I do, I notice something amiss. Well, something else amiss.

My naked companion nods, as if my words make perfect sense. “Yeah. Last night must’ve been wild, since I’m not entirely sure how I got back here.” His eyes dart to his left hand, and he squints. “What in tarnation?” Then he looks at my hand at the same time I pull it up to my face to inspect it.

A ring circles the fourth finger. A shiny platinum band without any scratches or dings.

I don’t wear a ring on that hand. I don’t wear jewelry, period. I glance back at Velvet and confirm that he’s got a ring on his fourth finger, too.

I blink.

He blinks.

I furrow my brow.

He does the same.

“Um,” I rasp, staring at my ring, then gesturing to his. “Do you know where these came from?”

Velvet starts to shake his head and then frowns. A light dawns in his now fully awake eyes. He cocks his head as he studies his hand. He blows out his cheeks, then releases the air. “Well, heck,” he says. “I think we might be hitched. What’s your name again?

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Enter the Giveaway

To celebrate the release of Notorious, Leslie is away a signed paperback copy of the release!

Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway for your chance to win!

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Leslie McAdam's Pic

About the Author:

USA Today bestselling author Leslie McAdam is a California girl who loves romance and well-defined abs. She lives in a drafty old farmhouse on a small orange tree farm in Southern California with her husband and two children. Leslie’s first published book, The Sun and the Moon, won a 2015 Watty, which is the world’s largest online writing competition. She’s gone on to receive additional literary awards and has been featured in multiple publications, including Her books have been Top 100 Bestsellers on both Amazon and Apple Books. Leslie is employed by day but spends her nights writing about the men of your fantasies.

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New Release Book Review: Limitless Love: A Polyamorous Charity Anthology

4.5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐💫

This has to be one of the best anthologies I’ve read. So many are just short stories that make you need to buy the next book in the author’s series if you want any sort of conclusion. But Limitless Love is full of wonderfully refreshing standalone stories full of characters and relationships that stole my heart.

Falling on Schedule by Sage Abbott – An MMMM romance. This is the second book I’ve read recently involving a surrogate for sex, something I’d never heard of before. I liked Brandt & Cairo, and Jim & Merry and enjoyed the way the two couples came together to build a relationship between the 4 of them while each couple respected the other’s needs and desires.

The Two That Got Away by Aurora Crane – I love Aurora Crane’s novels and would have loved for this to have been longer. The connection Drew, Keenan & Evan have was so strong. I’d have loved to have known why Keenan believed he wasn’t worthy of having either of these men, but I’m glad Drew could see the connection he had with them both and made the move to make things happen resulting in a HEA.

Triple XP by Colette Davison – I’m not a ģamer so I was a bit wary going into this one but Dex, Lock & Avery all quickly stole my heart just as they stole each other’s. I really enjoyed Triple XP.

A Sweet Way to Love by Abrianna Dense – This is one of the few open poly relationships I’ve read about and it was interesting to see how the dynamics between the various men and their respective spouses and Eric their longtime partner worked as well as how the new dynamic of Graham being brought in as Eric’s newest lover and possibly the man he didn’t know he was looking for to help complete him, changed or added to the dynamics.

Three’s Cozy by EM Denning – Zeke and Connor were hot as a couple but when they added their long-term crush Micah to the mix then they were boiling. This was a fun read.

What We Wished Four by Elouise East – The joining of two couples, Lev & Bryan, and Rowan & Gary was both sweet and sexy and for them a little scary in case they messed up their friendship. But these 4 best friends were meant to be much more, they just needed to take the plunge.

Not Without You by MJ Green – This one was a little darker than the rest, a family business with underworld ties, these cousins are closer than the norm. I enjoyed Pauli’s forced bi-awakening when he goes after his cousin and best friend who has run from his longtime unrequited love. Finding him with two other men awakened more than he imagined, not only for him but for all of them.

Toward Unity by J.L. Dribble – I loved how Sage, Weston and Val, longtime best friends learn that together they can be each other’s everything, each one filling a need that the other can fill and therefore making the Relationship fully complete.

Balancing Each Other by Leigh Kenzie – Noel and Eddie, assassins who’ve been together for over a decade find their third seeking shelter from a snowstorm. I enjoyed seeing Robbie come out of his shell and recover from the shock of finding his fiance with another man. Robbie discovers parts of himself he never knew he needed and finds two Daddies who will do anything to keep him safe and happy. It was super quick instalove but that’s to be expected in a short novella. A fun read.

Our Sweet Vampire by Michele Notaro With only 2 chapters and an epilogue, this was the shortest story of them all. Two soulmates find their missing soulmate, fall for each other immediately and save him from the bad guy. A short sweet read.

I hope to read more polyamory romances in the future, but for now, I’ve enjoyed this anthology a great deal and found myself some new authors to try out.

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It’s Monday! What are you reading?

First seen over on Book’d Out I’m going to try to do this post regularly linking to It’s Monday! What are you reading? at BookDate.

Well, it’s actually Tuesday, I was too tired after studying on the weekend to turn on the computer. It’s been a fortnight so I’ve read a few books, listened to a few audiobooks and I have started a few others.

I finished reading The Trouble With Trying to Hook a Harbinger by Jennifer Cody (my review), this is the 4th book in the Murder Sprees & Mute Decrees series and so far I’ve enjoyed every one, they do follow on so you need to read them in order or you’ll have no idea what is going on in the crazy world the author has created.

I also finished reading Limitless Love: A Polyamorous Charity Anthology which was one of the best anthologies I have read in a long while (my review).

I finished reading my book for bookclub, The Law of the Heart by Boris Starling, this was my choice and it took until chapter 4 for me to start getting into it and by chapter 7 I was hooked. It is set in North Korea and was really good, everyone who read it for our meeting last week agreed.

I finally finished listening to Cat Lady by Dawn O’Porter this was someone else’s bookclub pick for our meeting in July, I renewed this 3 times and it took me about 5 weeks to get through, I enjoyed the last 2 hours but the rest was a struggle for me. I think I might be the outlier on this one when we have our bookclub meeting.

The other audiobook I was listening to was Ladies’ Rest & Writing Room by Kim Kelly, I loved this novella when I read it and really enjoyed the audiobook, it’s only 3 1/2 hours so if you are looking for something good but short to fill in some of your day this is definitely worth a listen. (My review)

I also finished The Home Game (Book 4 Relationship Goals) by Brigham Vaughn which I thoroughly enjoyed (my review). I read Feral (Wicked Nights at Lair #1) by Mia Monroe an MM Vampire PNR which was very enjoyable, with murder, violence and a no-angst romance (my review). I read Trust the Connection (Peachtree #1) by Brigham Vaughn which was very good.

I finished listening to Happy Endings (Demon Magic #1) by Alice Winters an MM PNR which I enjoyed (my review) and I will be listening to book 2 shortly. I listened to Jonah & the Narwhal by Vinni George a Mpreg Alpha/Omega book which was pretty good, it was very instalove and I think I wanted a bit more otherwise it was a sweet romance.

All in all a pretty good two weeks.

This week I am reading an ARC of Jennie Jones’ new historical fiction novel The Girls From Fitzroy which comes out next month and I’m going to her author talk at the end of July. It’s set in Australia in 1945 just as the war has ended and it’s already shaping up to be a good read.

I’m also reading an ARC of The Golden Handcuffs by K.C Carmine, a MM BDSM romance, a very different read to The Girls From Fitzroy but sure to be just as good.

I am listening to an ARC of Thin Ice by Lane Hayes an MM sports romance, I only have an hour left and have enjoyed it a lot.

My next audiobook will probably be The Invisible Life of Addie Larue by V.E Schwab, an adult fantasy fiction which sounds really interesting but is about 17 hours of listening time, it’ll definitely keep me occupied while I’m driving for a couple of weeks.

I’ve got a few more ARCs to read so I think The Kraken Games (Motham City Monsters #5) by Lilith Stone, a monster romance will be my next read if I get through the two I’m currently reading. I’ve enjoyed the previous books in the series, they are fun and steamy.

I went to an author talk at one of my local libraries on Saturday and am really interested in reading the novel which I’d not heard of before this. I’m just waiting for the library to get it in but I’m first on the waiting list. The book is Shadows of Winter Robins by Louise Wolhuter, it’s a mystery crime novel set in the UK and Australia. If you get a chance to hear Louise talk I recommend it because she was very entertaining.

I hope you enjoyed my catch-up, I’d love to hear what you’ve been reading or are currently reading. Until next week (hopefully) happy reading.

New Release Book Review: The Home Game by Brigham Vaughn

My Review

This is my favourite series by Brigham Vaughn and The Home Game giving Matty his HEA was a great read.

All Matty wants is someone to love, someone who loves him, and a family and in The Home Game he gets all he’s ever wanted.

Antoni is struggling to raise his deceased friend’s 4 children by himself, ranging from 6 months to 15 years old he has his hands full and is overwhelmed. He needs to find a new place to live as well as fight religious, homophobic grandparents for custody of the children. Enter his knight in shining armour Matty.

Matty is adorable and I’d love to find someone like him, but since I can’t manage that I’m glad Antoni did. He cares about everyone, often to his detriment, but that doesn’t stop him from stepping in when he can help Antoni with a place to live.

I really loved the friendship that bloomed between Matty and Antoni and the relationships he formed with the four kids. The kids were great characters and I enjoyed getting to know them all, especially Alexa and Eli.

Matty’s teammates and their partners are as supportive as I’d have expected, they are such a great bunch and while they have some concerns they still embrace Antoni and his children into their ‘family’.

It isn’t all smooth sailing, there are gossip sites to contend with, PR and the team coach, rash decisions made for the right reasons and conflict between Matty and his teammate and friend Dom. We get to find out a bit more about Dom, whose story will be the final book in the series.

This was another great read in the Relationship Goals series and I am looking forward to Dom’s book, he deserves his HEA.

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Matty Carlson Playing House with Local Schoolteacher?

Toronto Fisher Cats enforcer, Matt Carlson, was recently spotted in the park with a hot mystery man and four children ranging in age from pre-teen to infant.

A close source indicates that the man is prep school English teacher, Antoni Bianchi, who has been spotted with Carlson in public recently.

Following the cozy park outing, Carlson was photographed with his arm around Bianchi as they returned to Carlson’s home, adding fuel to the speculation that the men are dating and, perhaps, living together.

Just friends or is something else heating up their late summer nights?

Since Carlson’s acrimonious divorce five years ago, he has not been romantically linked to anyone but rumors swirled of involvement with a man prior to the split.

Is the enforcer ready to “switch teams” for good?

When asked to comment on her ex’s sexuality, aspiring actress Courtney Quinn stated, “I don’t know why everyone is surprised. It’s not like it’s the first time he’s been with a man.”

Sour grapes from a jilted lover or secrets from his past revealed?

Check the JockGossip blog for all of the latest developments in this intriguing new chapter of Carlson’s life.


The story contains discussions about the death of background characters in a car accident, children being orphaned, and grieving.

Mentions of biphobia, anti-LGBTQ+ sentiment, and violence against non-binary characters.

New Release Book Review: Coaching Prince Charming by Hayden Hall

My Review

4.5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐✨

I have been waiting for Nate and Carter’s book ever since I read the first chapter at the end of On Thin Ice and it was worth the wait.

I loved Carter’s sass and determination in his pursuit of Nate who had been his long-time much older crush and someone he didn’t think he had an actual chance with. Underneath Carter’s sass and confidence hides a young man who is following his father’s plan for him and it isn’t the one he wants for his future. His father is a self-righteous bully who has squashed Carter’s own dreams and treats his being gay as something he should be ashamed of.

Nate, who we’ve previously kind of met because he is Beckett’s uncle and an NHL legend who had an accident on the ice which ended his career. He’s now at Northwood U as the new head coach, he’s struggling with the loss of his career and trying to find a new purpose in his life.

I enjoyed seeing Carter become more than just ‘Nate’s old friend’s son’ they were perfect for each other and the 19-year age gap meant nothing once they realised how well they fit together. I love how good they were together and I appreciated how Nate believed in Carter and encouraged him to follow his own dreams for his future. We all need someone who will be there for us no matter what and once Nate got past some of his hang-ups, he was that person for Carter.

It’s sad to say goodbye to the guys from Northwood U, it’s been a great series but I look forward to whatever Hayden Hall writes next.

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About the book

He’s my first and only crush. He’s my new coach. Oh, and he was once my dad’s teammate and best friend.

I’ve been in love with Nate Partridge since I can remember. Under my mattress, there has always been a stack of magazine covers with his bare torso and a pearly smile. But that’s about the extent of it.

I can never have Nate Partridge. He is a straight guy and twenty years my senior. Neither of which is a dealbreaker for me, but he disagrees.

When a hockey accident forces him to retire, he takes the freshly vacant job of coaching the Arctic Titans. And my life takes an unexpected turn for the better.

Nate is the only person who has ever truly understood me. Where my father’s ambition dictates my every waking moment, Nate’s kindness and compassion make me feel like there’s more to life than hockey. Dad’s disregard for my passions makes Nate’s encouragement only sweeter.

And my crush reaches all new heights. Especially when I discover his deepest secret.

Nate Partridge is not straight.

But do I stand a chance? To him, I am nothing more than his old friend’s kid and a college freshman he’s in charge of training.

If I want Nate Partridge, it will take more than hope to make this real.

It’s time to shake things up in my life before I can make him mine.

Carter and Nate are FIRE together. Don’t miss out 

Coaching Prince Charming is the seventh and final novel in the Arctic Titans of Northwood U series. It features an age gap, a forbidden relationship, a college hockey player falling for his coach, a former best friend’s son, and a search for a purpose in life at nineteen and at thirty-eight. This novel can be read on its own, but it’s more enjoyable to read the entire series in the order of release.

About the Author

Gay. Sweet. Steamy.

Hayden Hall writes MM romance novels. He is a boyfriend, a globetrotter, and an avid romance reader.

Hayden’s mission is to author a catalogue of captivating and steamy MM romance novels which gather a devoted community around the Happily Ever Afters.

His stories are sweet with just the right amount of naughty.

You can get in touch with Hayden on Facebook or through his website at

Connect with Hayden


It’s Monday! What are you reading?

First seen over on Book’d Out I’m going to try to do this post regularly linking to It’s Monday! What are you reading? at BookDate.

Well, it’s certainly been a while since I had time to write much on my blog, I’ve been studying hard and classes have taken up any free time outside of work. I have made time to read and now I’m on a bit of a break for about 6 weeks, I’m determined to catch up on reviews and these posts I started earlier in the year.

I’ve read too many books to go through them all since I last posted at the end of February so I’ll post graphics and you can investigate or ask me about any that catch your eye. This is quite a long post so read on to see what I’m reading now and what I’ll be reading after.

March, April & May gave me some really great reads and audiobooks and I’ll attempt over the next few weeks to post some reviews on here.

I don’t know how that happened but this year has been flying by. So far in June, I have read Deadly Little Sparrow by K.M Neuhold, an MM Mafia romance that I really enjoyed. It was a different direction for this author and she did a good job. I have just this afternoon finished Fish Stick Fridays by Rhys Ford, an MM romantic suspense, this was my first book by this author and I will definitely be reading more by her.

I am currently reading The Trouble With Trying to Hook a Harbinger by Jennifer Cody, this is the 4th book in the Murder Sprees & Mute Decrees series and so far I’ve enjoyed every one, they do follow on so you need to read them in order or you’ll have no idea what is going on in the crazy world the author has created.

I am also reading Limitless Love: A Polyamorous Charity Anthology which comes out next week.

I am reading a book for bookclub, The Law of the Heart by Boris Starling, this was my choice and it took until chapter 4 for me to start getting into it, but I think it’s going to be good, it is set in North Korea, so it should be interesting. I chose it for 3 reasons, one it sounded interesting, two it’s been sitting on my Kindle for about 2 years, and three it was only a couple of dollars for everyone to purchase on Amazon.

I am listening to a couple of books, the first Cat Lady by Dawn O’Porter is someone else’s bookclub pick for our meeting in July, I’m not enjoying it hence why I have more than one audiobook on the go. I can manage 1 or 2 chapters then I have to have a break, but I’m going to slog my way through it because I’m hoping people are giving my choice a go.

The other audiobook I’m listening to is Ladies’ Rest & Writing Room by Kim Kelly, I loved this novella when I read it and am enjoying the audiobook, it’s only 3 1/2 hours so if you are looking for something good but short to fill in some of your day this is definitely worth a listen. (My review)

This week or next week depending on how time goes I will be reading The Home Game by Brigham Vaughn book #4 in the Relationship Goals series which comes out this week.

As well as picking up Finding Kait by Suzanne Cass a romantic crime fiction read.

So, that’s me up to date in the What am I reading post, now to get on with catching up on my reviews of all the great books I’ve read over the past 3 months. I hope to catch you again next week.

#6Degrees of Seperation #3 – June 2024

I started joining in with this blog at the beginning of the year, but due to study all my good intentions fell away, we are on a bit of a break so I’m going to try to post as much as I can before we start back full classes in July.

This is a monthly link-up hosted by KateW at Books Are My Favourite and Best. Each month a book is chosen as a starting point and linked to six other books to form a chain. A book doesn’t need to be connected to all the other books on the list, only to the one next to it in the chain. The rules are:

  • Link the books together in any way you like.
  • Provide a link in your post to the meme at Books Are My Favourite and Best.
  • Share these rules in your post.
  • Paste the link to your post in the comments on Kate’s post and/or the Linky Tool on that post.
  • Invite your blog readers to join in and paste their links in the comments and/or the Linky Tool.
  • Share your post on Twitter using the #6Degrees hashtag.
  • Be nice! Visit and comment on other posts and/or retweet other #6Degrees posts.

This month we begin with Butter by Asako Yuzuki. It’s billed as a food-related-murder story. I haven’t read this and I tossed up which direction to go with my links before deciding to go with food as my link to start with and maybe finish with as I keep changing my mind.

The first book I’ve chosen is one that I’m currently reading Fish Sticks Friday by Rhys Ford is a romantic suspense, mystery, MM romance that I’m enjoying.

I was going to look for books with names of the week in, but it proved too hard so, I have continued with food as my theme.

A Different Fish in the Sea by Ashlynn Mills was a book I really enjoyed and is an MMM romance (my review).

Next is Salt & Broom by Sharon Lynn Fisher and while salt isn’t a food on its own, we put it on our food like we do with butter (it also links to the sea in the previous title so a double link). This is on my TBR and I bought it a while ago because my favourite novel is Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte and this is supposed to be a witchy retelling of Jane Eyre.

Pumpkin Pies and Potions by Polly Holmes is a cosy mystery where a new witch must find a killer. This is set in Saltwater Cove so I think that links with the previous one x3, salt, witches and food.

We’ve had pumpkins and now we have Mulberries, next is Becoming Mrs Mulberry by Jackie French a historical fiction novel that I couldn’t put down when I read it and since then I’ve also listened to the audiobook which was fabulous as well.

I nearly went off on a different tangent with the last book but reined myself in and stayed with food. Our Own Private Fig Tree by Rania Battany, is a multicultural romance that packs a lot of punch (my review).

So, there we have it, my third #6degreesofseperation finished. I will endeavour to do July’s since we don’t start full classes again until the 20th July.

New release Book Review: Stepbrother Mine by Felicity Snow

High heat and minimal plot was the description and Stepbrother Mine was both of these, it was also sweet and low angst and an easy read. I’ve never really thought of stepbrothers as being taboo, they aren’t actually related but some people do, so each to their own.

I thought that Rome and Sebastian were very sweet and very hot together and I really enjoyed the flashbacks of them getting to know each other when their parents married and how much they cared about each other. Sebastian has had a thing for Rome since they met, and now they are both away at college and hanging out together all the time, the lines they had drawn around their relationship as stepbrothers are about to blur all thanks to a party game that dares one to kiss the other.

Their relationship very quickly changes and becomes sexual and very spicy, each more than willing to try whatever new kink or idea the other comes up with. I liked that they were both discovering new things about themselves as they discovered more about the other. There are plenty of hot spicy scenes and I mean plenty, I’m not a fan of degradation and calling the other names, but whatever floats a person’s boat, this was my least favourite part of their sexy times.

Some reviews have said they didn’t like the repeated ‘little brother’ and ‘big brother’ way of speaking that Rome and Sebastian use a lot, but for me, it was just a substitute for Daddy/boy in many other books, so it didn’t bother me. sure they could have used each other’s names more, but it suited them to use brother as part of their relationship.

While not my favourite Felicity Snow read it was still an enjoyable read that allowed me to tune out of the real world and enjoy some spicy times for a couple of hours.

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About the book

I’ve always loved my stepbrother, but it took a party game for me to realize how much I wanted him.


Sebastian and I have always been close. From the minute he waltzed into my life he won me over with his pep, snark, and give no shits attitude, and I couldn’t help but feel protective over him. He’s my best friend. When I’m dared to kiss him at a party I don’t think anything of it. Until his lips are on mine and days later I can’t stop thinking about it, questioning everything I thought I knew about myself. But how can I tell him that I’m suddenly seeing him in a whole different light?


I’ve been attracted to Rome since the moment I met him. How could I not be? He’s gorgeous with his dark hair, soulful eyes, and sinful smile. And his broody personality just does it for me. Not to mention how protective he is of me. But he’s straight, and we’re stepbrothers. I know nothing can ever come of my attraction. Right?

Stepbrother Mine is a 48k word opposites attract stepbrother romance with low angst, high steam, a grumpy possessive top and a sunshine femboy bottom who loves his bunny slippers. It features bi-awakening, kink, a virgin mc, size difference, MINIMAL PLOT, MCs in college, and D/s dynamic. This book has explicit content and is not intended for anyone under the age of 18

*Please mind the content notes in the front matter

New Release Book Review: B-Mine by Ava Olsen

4.5 Stars

I didn’t overly enjoy the last bodyguard romance I read, so I went into this a little unsure but once again Ava Olsen has written a romance I can completely believe in and get behind.

Iain Holloway may have been a trouble maker Rockstar but he had a big heart hiding underneath his playboy persona and when he finds he has a stalker and his already overprotective bodyguard Dawson becomes even more protective, he finds that underneath their bickering is an explosive chemistry they can’t ignore.

I enjoyed getting to know Iain and Dawson better and enjoyed them getting to know each other. The storyline with the stalker was done well and I didn’t guess who it was until it was revealed which is always a nice change. There’s plenty going on and the pages turned themselves as I wanted to know what was going to happen next.

Catching up with the guys from Wayward Lane was good and I can’t wait for Faise and Ronin’s story next, it should be fun when they realise they are in love with each other, well, I hope that’s the case.

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About the book

Holloway: I’m the lead guitarist for Wayward Lane and I love everything about my rockstar life. Everything except my security detail. And the more popular our band becomes, the less freedom we have. All it takes is one overzealous fan and I find myself constantly shadowed by the one bodyguard I love to tease and evade: Dawson Everly. Mr. Tall, Dark, & Uptight lives by strict rules, and I’m a free spirit, so naturally, we argue at every turn. But my flirtation and his aggravation is a combustible mix and suddenly I discover there are some orders I don’t mind taking. And those strings I usually avoid? They start looking pretty good. Thing is, Dawson has a son and I never imagined I’d fall, let alone for a family man.
But every rockstar has their day – is it crazy that I want Dawson to be mine?

Dawson: As a bodyguard for Wayward Lane, I’ve seen all the rockstar shenanigans. The biggest troublemaker? The guy who loves to escape his detail: guitarist, Iain Holloway. He’s stunning, spontaneous, and a gigantic pain in my… you get the picture. I’ve tried to keep my professional distance but it’s getting impossible to ignore the attraction between us. But falling for a rockstar is a risk I’m not prepared for. I have an eight-year-old son, Jaxon, who means everything to me. The single dad guilt is hitting hard when I’m on the road and the time has come to make a choice.
Only, my heart doesn’t belong solely to my son anymore. It turns out, Iain has managed to find a way in there too.

B-Mine is a slow burn, single dad, opposites attract, MM rockstar romance filled with fiery chemistry, unexpected love, and a heartfelt, hard-fought HEA.

#6Degrees of Separation #1 – February 2024

I’ve seen this meme on several book blogs I follow, so to keep up my blogging this year, I thought I would join in.

This is a monthly link-up hosted by KateW at Books Are My Favourite and Best. Each month a book is chosen as a starting point and linked to six other books to form a chain. A book doesn’t need to be connected to all the other books on the list, only to the one next to it in the chain. The rules are:

  • Link the books together in any way you like.
  • Provide a link in your post to the meme at Books Are My Favourite and Best.
  • Share these rules in your post.
  • Paste the link to your post in the comments on Kate’s post and/or the Linky Tool on that post.
  • Invite your blog readers to join in and paste their links in the comments and/or the Linky Tool.
  • Share your post on Twitter using the #6Degrees hashtag.
  • Be nice! Visit and comment on other posts and/or retweet other #6Degrees posts.

This month’s task was to start with the book you finished in January (or the last book you read) I’m starting on a book I’m currently reading. This is my first go at this and I found it a bit of a challenge, I probably could have come up with much easier ways of linking them, but why do it easy lol, hopefully, I got it right.

My first book and the book I’m currently reading is Snowy Mountains Dawn by Alissa Callen

I linked it to The Bookstore at Rivers End by Phillipa Nefri Clark which I have on KU because they both have a place name in the title. This book features a found diary and the uncovering of a mystery.

Now, I know I have read many books which use the finding of an old diary as part of the plot, but do you think I could think of any offhand, letters yes, but diaries no. I was lucky my mum had just finished reading a Nora Roberts series which involves ghosts and the hunt for a diary, phew, so I’m linking this to Blue Dahlia by Nora Roberts.

This leads nicely to a book I just finished Dead Serious Case 4 Professor Prometheus Plume by Vawn Cassidy. This involved many ghosts in an old hotel the couple went to spend a romantic long weekend away.

I’m linking this to a book I bought last week, The Anywhere Hotel by Gisele Stein about a mysterious hotel where there is a portal that allows you to travel anywhere in the world, for a price.

This book had a few themes I thought of using but ultimately chose to link it via Travelling the World to The Utterly Sublime Adventures of Ava Roberts by Lisa Frederickson which I have on KU also. In this book, Ava is running away from a cheating fiance and decides to go on a life-changing 80-day odyssey around the world.

I’m linking this to Around the World in 80 Days by Michael Palin, a real-life adventure in which he decides to follow in the footsteps of Jules Verne’s character Phileas Fogg using only the forms of transport which would have been available to him 115 years earlier, I’ve reserved this from Borrowbox.

And that is my first #6Degrees challenge how did I go? Have you read any of these books?