It’s Monday! What are you reading?

First seen over on Book’d Out I’m going to try to do this post regularly linking to It’s Monday! What are you reading? at BookDate.

Well, it’s certainly been a while since I had time to write much on my blog, I’ve been studying hard and classes have taken up any free time outside of work. I have made time to read and now I’m on a bit of a break for about 6 weeks, I’m determined to catch up on reviews and these posts I started earlier in the year.

I’ve read too many books to go through them all since I last posted at the end of February so I’ll post graphics and you can investigate or ask me about any that catch your eye. This is quite a long post so read on to see what I’m reading now and what I’ll be reading after.

March, April & May gave me some really great reads and audiobooks and I’ll attempt over the next few weeks to post some reviews on here.

I don’t know how that happened but this year has been flying by. So far in June, I have read Deadly Little Sparrow by K.M Neuhold, an MM Mafia romance that I really enjoyed. It was a different direction for this author and she did a good job. I have just this afternoon finished Fish Stick Fridays by Rhys Ford, an MM romantic suspense, this was my first book by this author and I will definitely be reading more by her.

I am currently reading The Trouble With Trying to Hook a Harbinger by Jennifer Cody, this is the 4th book in the Murder Sprees & Mute Decrees series and so far I’ve enjoyed every one, they do follow on so you need to read them in order or you’ll have no idea what is going on in the crazy world the author has created.

I am also reading Limitless Love: A Polyamorous Charity Anthology which comes out next week.

I am reading a book for bookclub, The Law of the Heart by Boris Starling, this was my choice and it took until chapter 4 for me to start getting into it, but I think it’s going to be good, it is set in North Korea, so it should be interesting. I chose it for 3 reasons, one it sounded interesting, two it’s been sitting on my Kindle for about 2 years, and three it was only a couple of dollars for everyone to purchase on Amazon.

I am listening to a couple of books, the first Cat Lady by Dawn O’Porter is someone else’s bookclub pick for our meeting in July, I’m not enjoying it hence why I have more than one audiobook on the go. I can manage 1 or 2 chapters then I have to have a break, but I’m going to slog my way through it because I’m hoping people are giving my choice a go.

The other audiobook I’m listening to is Ladies’ Rest & Writing Room by Kim Kelly, I loved this novella when I read it and am enjoying the audiobook, it’s only 3 1/2 hours so if you are looking for something good but short to fill in some of your day this is definitely worth a listen. (My review)

This week or next week depending on how time goes I will be reading The Home Game by Brigham Vaughn book #4 in the Relationship Goals series which comes out this week.

As well as picking up Finding Kait by Suzanne Cass a romantic crime fiction read.

So, that’s me up to date in the What am I reading post, now to get on with catching up on my reviews of all the great books I’ve read over the past 3 months. I hope to catch you again next week.

New release Book Review: Stepbrother Mine by Felicity Snow

High heat and minimal plot was the description and Stepbrother Mine was both of these, it was also sweet and low angst and an easy read. I’ve never really thought of stepbrothers as being taboo, they aren’t actually related but some people do, so each to their own.

I thought that Rome and Sebastian were very sweet and very hot together and I really enjoyed the flashbacks of them getting to know each other when their parents married and how much they cared about each other. Sebastian has had a thing for Rome since they met, and now they are both away at college and hanging out together all the time, the lines they had drawn around their relationship as stepbrothers are about to blur all thanks to a party game that dares one to kiss the other.

Their relationship very quickly changes and becomes sexual and very spicy, each more than willing to try whatever new kink or idea the other comes up with. I liked that they were both discovering new things about themselves as they discovered more about the other. There are plenty of hot spicy scenes and I mean plenty, I’m not a fan of degradation and calling the other names, but whatever floats a person’s boat, this was my least favourite part of their sexy times.

Some reviews have said they didn’t like the repeated ‘little brother’ and ‘big brother’ way of speaking that Rome and Sebastian use a lot, but for me, it was just a substitute for Daddy/boy in many other books, so it didn’t bother me. sure they could have used each other’s names more, but it suited them to use brother as part of their relationship.

While not my favourite Felicity Snow read it was still an enjoyable read that allowed me to tune out of the real world and enjoy some spicy times for a couple of hours.

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About the book

I’ve always loved my stepbrother, but it took a party game for me to realize how much I wanted him.


Sebastian and I have always been close. From the minute he waltzed into my life he won me over with his pep, snark, and give no shits attitude, and I couldn’t help but feel protective over him. He’s my best friend. When I’m dared to kiss him at a party I don’t think anything of it. Until his lips are on mine and days later I can’t stop thinking about it, questioning everything I thought I knew about myself. But how can I tell him that I’m suddenly seeing him in a whole different light?


I’ve been attracted to Rome since the moment I met him. How could I not be? He’s gorgeous with his dark hair, soulful eyes, and sinful smile. And his broody personality just does it for me. Not to mention how protective he is of me. But he’s straight, and we’re stepbrothers. I know nothing can ever come of my attraction. Right?

Stepbrother Mine is a 48k word opposites attract stepbrother romance with low angst, high steam, a grumpy possessive top and a sunshine femboy bottom who loves his bunny slippers. It features bi-awakening, kink, a virgin mc, size difference, MINIMAL PLOT, MCs in college, and D/s dynamic. This book has explicit content and is not intended for anyone under the age of 18

*Please mind the content notes in the front matter

New Release Book Review: The Invention of Wings by Robin Knight

With The Invention of Wings, Robin Knight’s new Mulligan’s Mill series is off to a good start.

I enjoyed meeting and getting to know Mitch and Gage and of course Gage’s niece Ginny who was quite the character and helped bring Mitch and Gage together again, though I think they’d have got their eventually even without her help as they still had so many feelings towards each other.

Mitch’s sister Maggie wasn’t my favourite character and I’m only guessing she has some sort of intellectual disability because that’s how she came across to me. Her hoarding was out of control, I’ve seen this myself within my own family and Mitch did a good job of helping her clean the house out, she might need help down the track unless she continues to get a lot of support from Mitch and her friends.

I liked the way Ginny’s dream to fly on the ice brought Mitch, Gage, Maggie and their friend Bud together giving them all a project to work on. I thought this project was of great benefit to Maggie as she had a real need to be needed and seen as able.

There was the bad guys, Gage’s father and evil stepmother who caused some drama for them all, but good won out in the end, you can’t have a romance with a sad ending.

I’m looking forward to getting to know Aunt Bea better, she seems like she will be quite the character.

I’ll be looking out for more from Mulligan’s Mill.

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About the book

♥ Small Town MM Romance
♥ Second Chance at Love
♥ Enemies-to-Lovers
♥ Found Family


‘Wings’. That was the nickname they gave me in the lead-up to the Olympics. I was ready to take home the gold for figure skating, ready to make all my dreams come true… all but one… the dream of finding true love. That dream ended the night I lost the only man I ever wanted, betrayed by fear, by doubt, by him. It was a moment that led to my downfall on the ice rink and the ultimate humiliation. And so I did what any broken spirit would do… I fled my hometown of Mulligan’s Mill, determined never to return.

That is until I got the call from Doc Morgan, letting me know that my sister Maggie’s hoarding habit was getting out of control. Now it seems Mulligan’s Mill is calling me back… back to face the past. Is it possible for a fallen hero to find his dignity once more? Is it possible for a man to return home and not make the same mistakes twice? Is it possible to pretend the past never even existed… or was I destined to re-live it all over again?


He was the rising star of the ice-skating rink. I was the captain of the football team with a bright future under the Friday night lights. We had everything… promise, potential, each other. Then one night I freaked out, I pushed him away, and nothing was ever the same again. In the years since Mitch had left Mulligan’s Mill, my life was turned upside-down by a family tragedy. Now, as the sole carer of my wheelchair-bound niece Ginny, I spend every waking hour working part-time jobs to keep the roof over our heads. I barely get a minute to think about my shattered dreams of becoming a football star… but I still think about him… every single day.

When I find out that Mitch is returning to Mulligan’s Mill, the news triggers a wave of excitement and regret. Was what we had real, or just a foolish young fling? Would the flame re-ignite once more if we saw each other on the street, or would he turn around and walk away like we never met? Would I finally find the courage to talk to him again, or would fear get the better of me just like it did on the night I broke both our hearts?

The Invention of Wings is the first book in a Small Town MM Romance series set in Mulligan’s Mill… a small town with big hearts!

New Release Book Review: Love and Redemption by Kelsey Hodge

4.5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐💫

I haven’t read any of the books in the For the Love Of series of which this is a spin off, but after reading and loving Love and Redemption I have already downloaded the first book because I really want all of the fabulous side characters stories.

This book had me hooked from the get-go, what a start and it really sets the stage for the kind of family Matteo comes from and how he ended up so messed up.

I loved Trip, such a lovely guy and loved his outlook on life and his ability to try not to judge people by their pasts. This is tested big time throughout as he finds out more about his new friends and about Matteo but he does a good job of taking it in his stride and getting to know the person they are now.

Matteo has a lot to make up for with his brother Gio and his fiancé Frank, as well as trying to deal with his acceptance of his sexuality after his ultra religious family has made him believe it is so terribly wrong to be anything but straight. Meeting Trip is a catalyst for so much change in his life and ultimately he handles things pretty well. I loved how supportive Trip was from the get-go and how he gave Matteo the gift of keeping his faith realising how important this was and would continue to be for Matteo. Matteo has a lot to deal with, his guilt, grief and acceptance of himself provide some emotional times for all of the people connected with him. He also has to deal with what I consider crazy (in an evil way) messed up parents.

The side characters, who have become a strong family unit, have interesting backstories and used their pasts in order to help Matteo make the break from his parents. Though Matteo has done some really wrong things to these people, they show him what family truly is.

I can’t wait for more in this series.

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About the book

What I did to my brother a year ago nearly killed me — quite literally — but it’s been the wake up call I need. It’s time to discover who I am away from the shadow of my parents and fight to gain forgiveness from a brother I’m not sure I deserve.

Moving to New York was the best decision, but I’m lonely. I never imagined I’d become friends with Matteo, but I have and I’m now doing everything I can to prove that forgiveness is allowed and hope he lets love in… especially mine.

Please beware of trigger warnings: this book contains suicide attempt, homophobia and religious references.

This is a spin off from the Love of series. While not necessary it is recommended to read these books first for a better understanding of the characters

New Release Book Review: Rent: Paid in Full by Jesse H Reign

Miller and Ryan, two college roommates who couldn’t have been more different. Ryan is closed off and in a perpetually grumpy mood, he carries past hurts with him and they interfere with every facet of his life. He has few friends and no life outside of study and work and is barely scraping by financially. Miller on the other hand is a rich kid who seems like he has everything, I don’t think he knew what studying was, he’s popular and `everyone likes him. Except for Ryan.

There were some humorous scenes between Miller and Ryan, Miller had a lot of hidden feelings hiding behind his sunny persona. I enjoyed seeing those feelings towards Ryan grow from something he wanted and was willing to pay for, using Ryan’s lack financial means to his benefit, to real feelings. Ryan took a bit to warn to, but as his past with rich bully’s is uncovered, I began to understand some of his standoffishness and his disbelief that Miller was genuine in his affections.

There were some fun side characters I’d like to see more of, especially Ryan’s friend Emily, I’d like to see her get her girl.

This did seem to lag a bit in the middle, it got slightly repetitive for a bit and I wanted things to move forward a bit quicker. When Miller uncovers some of Ryan’s kinks, things forged ahead.

There was a scene near the end that had me nearly in tears, my heart breaking on Miller’s behalf. Luckily Jesse H Reign pulled it all together and this unlikely duo get their HEA.


“You have something I want. Something I’ll happily buy…or rent.”

As if my life doesn’t suck enough already, my insufferable new roommate, Miller MacAvoy, seems determined to make things weird. He watches me all the time, grinning at me like a beautiful buffoon, eyes boring holes into me every time I turn my back on him.

It’s the last thing I need. Things haven’t been going well. College isn’t working out at all like I’d hoped. I’m drowning in debt, waiting tables every shift I can get, and falling behind on my studies.

Something’s got to give.

I can’t go on like this much longer.

Miller, being the out-of-touch rich boy he is, keeps offering to throw cash my way. Obviously, I’d rather die than accept charity from him.

Still, he watches and waits. Insisting again and again that I have something he wants to buy. It’s insane. I have nothing of value to sell. Absolutely nothing. My phone screen is cracked and my truck could easily be mistaken for scrap.



Surely not.

He can’t possibly be thinking that.

Can he?

Content Warnings

Rent: Paid in Full contains descriptions of anxiety and off-page bullying. There’s a bully role play scene which happens organically and is not pre-negotiated. Though given prior to sex, consent often dubious AF, and involves an undertone of reluctance and coercion. This story is a work of fiction/fantasy and is not representative of sex work in real life.

Rent: Paid in Full is a high heat, low angst story. The main tropes are forced proximity, enemies-to-lovers, hurt/comfort, nerd V jock, and a reluctant MC earning money in exchange for sexual services.


A hissy black cat VS A lovable golden retriever (who’s also kinda evil)

Pay for play


Bi awakening


Snarky banter

An epic HEA


It’s Monday! What are you reading?

First seen over on Book’d Out I’m going to try to do this post regularly linking to It’s Monday! What are you reading? at BookDate.

So last week I finished

Protect My Heart by Christie Gordon (ARC)

Envy & Other Cravings (Mytho #3) by TJ Nichols

Vanity & Other Monsters (Mytho #4) by TJ Nichols

Sloth & Other Delights (Mythos #5) by TJ Nichols

I am loving the Mytho Investigation series by TJ Nichols and am on to book #6 I’ll be sad when the series ends.

This week I am finishing some books I’ve been reading and starting some new ones

I am listening to

When a Man Loves an Alien (Tentacular Tales #3) by Chloe Archer (ARC)

To the Moon and Back by NR Walker

I am reading

Rent: Paid in Full by Jesse H Reign (ARC)

Cry of the Firebird by T.M Clark (Bookclub pick and #backlistread)

Wrath & Other Troubles (Mytho #6) by TJ Nichols

Ocean Coloured Hearts by Lyndsey Jeminson

Tortured Tones by Tania Joyce

A Country Vet Christmas by Alissa CallenPamela CookPenelope JanuLily MaloneStella Quinn

So, I’ve got plenty to keep me occupied which is good because I have a few things going on at work I need to keep my mind off.

As well as reading I’ve been doing some art, I’m currently learning Watercolours and have been playing with one image on different paper both wet and dry. I’ll be doing more playing this week.

I look forward to finding out what you’ve been reading, leave your recs in the comments.

Book Review: Ladies’ Rest and Writing Room by Kim Kelly

Winner of Independent Publisher Finlay Lloyd’s inaugural 20/40 Prize 2023

Once again Kim Kelly has taken me from the here and now and this time transported me to Sydney in the 1920s. It is here I met Clarinda and Dotty, two very different women on the surface, and both of whom I connected with immediately.

I don’t want to give too much of this wonderful story away which makes it hard to know what to write.

Dotty and Clarinda’s lives intersected the first time when they were at school, though they weren’t friends, then came the war and with it many losses and much grief, neither woman’s life has gone the way they thought it would. A chance interaction at the Ladies’ Rest and Writing Room of Farmer’s Department Store sets off a string of events that has the potential for healing, understanding and a shot at happiness that neither expected.

I have to say I loved the ending, I finished with a feeling of hope for a better future for both Dotty and Clarinda.

I definitely recommend picking up a copy of Kim Kelly’s award-winning novella and meeting Dotty and Clarinda for yourselves.

Purchase link