Audiobook Review: Free Me by Beck Grey

4.5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐✨

*2nd reading was the audio book which was fabulous, Gary Furlong did such a great job of bringing the characters and the story to life it enhanced how much I loved these characters the first time around.

I loved this novel, Stef and Blake were perfect for each other.

I actually forgot I’d met Stef in Choose Me and that I found them a bit over-the-top, but that was more for the sake of their brother Jules who has bad anxiety and I wondered how on earth he managed to cope with their very outgoing nature. In Free me, I got to know Stef properly and I am so glad I did because behind that outgoing nature of theirs and their obvious fabulousness is also hiding an insecure part of them that wonders if they are too much for anyone to truly love. They’ve had past partners who have told them this and after a while a small part of them has started to believe it.

Blake was a workaholic who loved his family, most of who I remember from past books but who had no one to share his life and thought he didn’t need anyone. Until Stef, from their first combustable meeting in a club that was supposed to be a one night stand, to their business arrangement when Blake hires Stef to help him with meditation and relaxation after a health scare, they both know there is something special between them.

I adored both Stef and Blake and really loved seeing their relationship develop. Stef was a great character and I liked and appreciated learning more about gender fluidity, binary and non binary and the forms it can take. I loved how Blake was both eager and willing to learn more about Stef’s gender fluidity and how easily he accepted everything about them and wanted them to embrace every part of themselves including encouraging Stef to dress exactly as they felt on the day regardless of if they thought others might not approve. If only more people in the world could be so accepting of others and their differences it would be a much nicer place to exist.

This was a really lovely low angst romance that I thoroughly enjoyed. While it can definitely be read as a standalone, I encourage you to read the rest of the series and meet the other great characters. I can’t wait for the next book.

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