It’s Monday! What are you reading?

First seen over on Book’d Out I’m going to try to do this post regularly linking to It’s Monday! What are you reading? at BookDate.

Well, it’s actually Tuesday, I was too tired after studying on the weekend to turn on the computer. It’s been a fortnight so I’ve read a few books, listened to a few audiobooks and I have started a few others.

I finished reading The Trouble With Trying to Hook a Harbinger by Jennifer Cody (my review), this is the 4th book in the Murder Sprees & Mute Decrees series and so far I’ve enjoyed every one, they do follow on so you need to read them in order or you’ll have no idea what is going on in the crazy world the author has created.

I also finished reading Limitless Love: A Polyamorous Charity Anthology which was one of the best anthologies I have read in a long while (my review).

I finished reading my book for bookclub, The Law of the Heart by Boris Starling, this was my choice and it took until chapter 4 for me to start getting into it and by chapter 7 I was hooked. It is set in North Korea and was really good, everyone who read it for our meeting last week agreed.

I finally finished listening to Cat Lady by Dawn O’Porter this was someone else’s bookclub pick for our meeting in July, I renewed this 3 times and it took me about 5 weeks to get through, I enjoyed the last 2 hours but the rest was a struggle for me. I think I might be the outlier on this one when we have our bookclub meeting.

The other audiobook I was listening to was Ladies’ Rest & Writing Room by Kim Kelly, I loved this novella when I read it and really enjoyed the audiobook, it’s only 3 1/2 hours so if you are looking for something good but short to fill in some of your day this is definitely worth a listen. (My review)

I also finished The Home Game (Book 4 Relationship Goals) by Brigham Vaughn which I thoroughly enjoyed (my review). I read Feral (Wicked Nights at Lair #1) by Mia Monroe an MM Vampire PNR which was very enjoyable, with murder, violence and a no-angst romance (my review). I read Trust the Connection (Peachtree #1) by Brigham Vaughn which was very good.

I finished listening to Happy Endings (Demon Magic #1) by Alice Winters an MM PNR which I enjoyed (my review) and I will be listening to book 2 shortly. I listened to Jonah & the Narwhal by Vinni George a Mpreg Alpha/Omega book which was pretty good, it was very instalove and I think I wanted a bit more otherwise it was a sweet romance.

All in all a pretty good two weeks.

This week I am reading an ARC of Jennie Jones’ new historical fiction novel The Girls From Fitzroy which comes out next month and I’m going to her author talk at the end of July. It’s set in Australia in 1945 just as the war has ended and it’s already shaping up to be a good read.

I’m also reading an ARC of The Golden Handcuffs by K.C Carmine, a MM BDSM romance, a very different read to The Girls From Fitzroy but sure to be just as good.

I am listening to an ARC of Thin Ice by Lane Hayes an MM sports romance, I only have an hour left and have enjoyed it a lot.

My next audiobook will probably be The Invisible Life of Addie Larue by V.E Schwab, an adult fantasy fiction which sounds really interesting but is about 17 hours of listening time, it’ll definitely keep me occupied while I’m driving for a couple of weeks.

I’ve got a few more ARCs to read so I think The Kraken Games (Motham City Monsters #5) by Lilith Stone, a monster romance will be my next read if I get through the two I’m currently reading. I’ve enjoyed the previous books in the series, they are fun and steamy.

I went to an author talk at one of my local libraries on Saturday and am really interested in reading the novel which I’d not heard of before this. I’m just waiting for the library to get it in but I’m first on the waiting list. The book is Shadows of Winter Robins by Louise Wolhuter, it’s a mystery crime novel set in the UK and Australia. If you get a chance to hear Louise talk I recommend it because she was very entertaining.

I hope you enjoyed my catch-up, I’d love to hear what you’ve been reading or are currently reading. Until next week (hopefully) happy reading.

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