It’s Monday! What are you reading?

First seen over on Book’d Out I’m going to try to do this post regularly linking to It’s Monday! What are you reading? at BookDate.

Well, it’s certainly been a while since I had time to write much on my blog, I’ve been studying hard and classes have taken up any free time outside of work. I have made time to read and now I’m on a bit of a break for about 6 weeks, I’m determined to catch up on reviews and these posts I started earlier in the year.

I’ve read too many books to go through them all since I last posted at the end of February so I’ll post graphics and you can investigate or ask me about any that catch your eye. This is quite a long post so read on to see what I’m reading now and what I’ll be reading after.

March, April & May gave me some really great reads and audiobooks and I’ll attempt over the next few weeks to post some reviews on here.

I don’t know how that happened but this year has been flying by. So far in June, I have read Deadly Little Sparrow by K.M Neuhold, an MM Mafia romance that I really enjoyed. It was a different direction for this author and she did a good job. I have just this afternoon finished Fish Stick Fridays by Rhys Ford, an MM romantic suspense, this was my first book by this author and I will definitely be reading more by her.

I am currently reading The Trouble With Trying to Hook a Harbinger by Jennifer Cody, this is the 4th book in the Murder Sprees & Mute Decrees series and so far I’ve enjoyed every one, they do follow on so you need to read them in order or you’ll have no idea what is going on in the crazy world the author has created.

I am also reading Limitless Love: A Polyamorous Charity Anthology which comes out next week.

I am reading a book for bookclub, The Law of the Heart by Boris Starling, this was my choice and it took until chapter 4 for me to start getting into it, but I think it’s going to be good, it is set in North Korea, so it should be interesting. I chose it for 3 reasons, one it sounded interesting, two it’s been sitting on my Kindle for about 2 years, and three it was only a couple of dollars for everyone to purchase on Amazon.

I am listening to a couple of books, the first Cat Lady by Dawn O’Porter is someone else’s bookclub pick for our meeting in July, I’m not enjoying it hence why I have more than one audiobook on the go. I can manage 1 or 2 chapters then I have to have a break, but I’m going to slog my way through it because I’m hoping people are giving my choice a go.

The other audiobook I’m listening to is Ladies’ Rest & Writing Room by Kim Kelly, I loved this novella when I read it and am enjoying the audiobook, it’s only 3 1/2 hours so if you are looking for something good but short to fill in some of your day this is definitely worth a listen. (My review)

This week or next week depending on how time goes I will be reading The Home Game by Brigham Vaughn book #4 in the Relationship Goals series which comes out this week.

As well as picking up Finding Kait by Suzanne Cass a romantic crime fiction read.

So, that’s me up to date in the What am I reading post, now to get on with catching up on my reviews of all the great books I’ve read over the past 3 months. I hope to catch you again next week.

6 thoughts on “It’s Monday! What are you reading?

  1. The book set in North Korea sounds like it might be worth taking a look at!

    And thanks for mentioning the Kim Kelly. I am always looking for short, good audiobooks!


    1. Enjoy the Kim Kelly one, her The Rat Catcher was a good one also and only short as was Sunshine if you haven’t listened to either of those.

      i need to finish the north Korean one by next Wednesday so I’ll try to remember to let you know what I think.


  2. Interesting assortment of books. All of them are new to me. I’m glad you are getting a chance to catch up. Come see my week here. Happy reading!


    1. They were both really good, I hope you enjoy Tilda is Visible. Have you read Everyone and Everything by Nadine J Cohen? That is definitely worth a read and in keeping with the mental health theme.

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