#6Degrees of Seperation #3 – June 2024

I started joining in with this blog at the beginning of the year, but due to study all my good intentions fell away, we are on a bit of a break so I’m going to try to post as much as I can before we start back full classes in July.

This is a monthly link-up hosted by KateW at Books Are My Favourite and Best. Each month a book is chosen as a starting point and linked to six other books to form a chain. A book doesn’t need to be connected to all the other books on the list, only to the one next to it in the chain. The rules are:

  • Link the books together in any way you like.
  • Provide a link in your post to the meme at Books Are My Favourite and Best.
  • Share these rules in your post.
  • Paste the link to your post in the comments on Kate’s post and/or the Linky Tool on that post.
  • Invite your blog readers to join in and paste their links in the comments and/or the Linky Tool.
  • Share your post on Twitter using the #6Degrees hashtag.
  • Be nice! Visit and comment on other posts and/or retweet other #6Degrees posts.

This month we begin with Butter by Asako Yuzuki. It’s billed as a food-related-murder story. I haven’t read this and I tossed up which direction to go with my links before deciding to go with food as my link to start with and maybe finish with as I keep changing my mind.

The first book I’ve chosen is one that I’m currently reading Fish Sticks Friday by Rhys Ford is a romantic suspense, mystery, MM romance that I’m enjoying.

I was going to look for books with names of the week in, but it proved too hard so, I have continued with food as my theme.

A Different Fish in the Sea by Ashlynn Mills was a book I really enjoyed and is an MMM romance (my review).

Next is Salt & Broom by Sharon Lynn Fisher and while salt isn’t a food on its own, we put it on our food like we do with butter (it also links to the sea in the previous title so a double link). This is on my TBR and I bought it a while ago because my favourite novel is Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte and this is supposed to be a witchy retelling of Jane Eyre.

Pumpkin Pies and Potions by Polly Holmes is a cosy mystery where a new witch must find a killer. This is set in Saltwater Cove so I think that links with the previous one x3, salt, witches and food.

We’ve had pumpkins and now we have Mulberries, next is Becoming Mrs Mulberry by Jackie French a historical fiction novel that I couldn’t put down when I read it and since then I’ve also listened to the audiobook which was fabulous as well.

I nearly went off on a different tangent with the last book but reined myself in and stayed with food. Our Own Private Fig Tree by Rania Battany, is a multicultural romance that packs a lot of punch (my review).

So, there we have it, my third #6degreesofseperation finished. I will endeavour to do July’s since we don’t start full classes again until the 20th July.

4 thoughts on “#6Degrees of Seperation #3 – June 2024

    1. Thank you 😊 and yes, you do, Jackie French is a must read for me every time she brings out a new novel, I’ve got her new one waiting for me to get to.


    1. Yes, everyone’s is very different. Sometimes I think I should pick different books, but I read a variety and like to be able to reflect that if they fit.

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