New Release Book Review: Love and Redemption by Kelsey Hodge

4.5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐💫

I haven’t read any of the books in the For the Love Of series of which this is a spin off, but after reading and loving Love and Redemption I have already downloaded the first book because I really want all of the fabulous side characters stories.

This book had me hooked from the get-go, what a start and it really sets the stage for the kind of family Matteo comes from and how he ended up so messed up.

I loved Trip, such a lovely guy and loved his outlook on life and his ability to try not to judge people by their pasts. This is tested big time throughout as he finds out more about his new friends and about Matteo but he does a good job of taking it in his stride and getting to know the person they are now.

Matteo has a lot to make up for with his brother Gio and his fiancé Frank, as well as trying to deal with his acceptance of his sexuality after his ultra religious family has made him believe it is so terribly wrong to be anything but straight. Meeting Trip is a catalyst for so much change in his life and ultimately he handles things pretty well. I loved how supportive Trip was from the get-go and how he gave Matteo the gift of keeping his faith realising how important this was and would continue to be for Matteo. Matteo has a lot to deal with, his guilt, grief and acceptance of himself provide some emotional times for all of the people connected with him. He also has to deal with what I consider crazy (in an evil way) messed up parents.

The side characters, who have become a strong family unit, have interesting backstories and used their pasts in order to help Matteo make the break from his parents. Though Matteo has done some really wrong things to these people, they show him what family truly is.

I can’t wait for more in this series.

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About the book

What I did to my brother a year ago nearly killed me — quite literally — but it’s been the wake up call I need. It’s time to discover who I am away from the shadow of my parents and fight to gain forgiveness from a brother I’m not sure I deserve.

Moving to New York was the best decision, but I’m lonely. I never imagined I’d become friends with Matteo, but I have and I’m now doing everything I can to prove that forgiveness is allowed and hope he lets love in… especially mine.

Please beware of trigger warnings: this book contains suicide attempt, homophobia and religious references.

This is a spin off from the Love of series. While not necessary it is recommended to read these books first for a better understanding of the characters

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